Has someone told you something, only to come back later and change his
story? In thinking about this question, some people's minds may immediately go
to politicians. You have heard the joke, "How do you know when a
politician is lying? His lips are moving." Obviously, this does not
characterize all, or perhaps even most, politicians. The statement alleges,
however, that politicians will change their message when speaking to particular
groups to accomplish certain goals.
By contrast, when God speaks He has only one message, which is applicable
to all people at all times. As One whose very character and nature is holiness
and truth, God cannot lie. As the sovereign creator and God over all things,
there is no one to whom His message does not apply. Whether speaking through
the world He has made, through His written Word, or through the incarnate Word
– the Lord Jesus Christ – God's message is clear. He has made mankind for
relationship with Himself, that we might know, love, serve and glorify Him.
Though our sin separates us from God, His plan from the beginning was to
reconcile to Himself those who would place their faith in God's provision for
redemption – Jesus Christ
Since the beginning of the world, God has
spoken to man. Though God speaks through creation itself, He did not simply
create the world and then hide, leaving man to figure out the world and his
place in it. Rather, from the beginning, God took the initiative to reveal
Himself, His ways, and His purposes to man. He spoke to Adam as he walked and
lived in the garden. He spoke to Moses from the burning bush and later,
according to Exodus 33:11, face-to-face. God spoke to the prophets, by His
Spirit, commanding them to write down His words so that they might pass
to future generations (2 Pe. 1:20-21). God spoke to them in various ways at
various times (Heb. 1:1). The thing we must remember in all of this, however,
is that God is the One who took the initiative. His words are what He
communicates to man (2 Tim. 3:16).
God is a God who speaks, a God who reveals
Himself, His character, His purpose, and His plan. From the beginning, that
which He has spoken has been clear and consistent – He will provide for lost
man a sinless redeemer that will reconcile God and man. He has done this in
Christ. In the weeks to come, we will see not only that God speaks, but how He
has spoken and how all that He has spoken points us to Christ.
Stop to
consider the wonder of having a God who speaks—not just a distant deity who
thunders orders and admonishments from heaven, but one who actually wants to
have a conversation with you! Why would the Lord of all creation go to such
lengths to communicate personally with each of us? Consider the following
• God loves you
and desires a relationship with you.
• He wants you
to know Him personally through intimate communication.
• He longs to
encourage you to trust Him. As you experience the fulfillment of His words,
your faith grows strong.
• He wants to
guide you. The Lord has a good purpose for your life and is willing to direct
your decisions and ways so you can experience all that He has planned.
In our busy
world, it’s easy to take for granted this invaluable privilege of communication
with God. If we are too busy or distracted to hear, His voice will not stop—but
we’ll miss out on the riches of an intimate relationship available only to
those with receptive hearts and ears.