Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day 2016

As America celebrates Memorial Day, we pay tribute to those who have given their lives in our nation's wars.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Proverbs 22:6

There is a modern proverb that most of us have heard that says: 'the hand that rocks the cradle controls the world.' While not all proverbs found outside the Bible are true, this one is. And it's true because the person who rocks the cradle will also be the person who will have the greatest impact on the moral and spiritual development of the child. As a result of this impact, the child in the cradle will be influenced for either good or evil depending upon the moral and religious beliefs of the one doing the rocking. The mind of a young child is like a sponge that is waiting to be filled. Now, this is a truth found not only in Scripture (Proverbs 22:6), but in the secular world as well. For not more than a year ago a study was conducted in which researchers attempted to find the age at which children appeared to establish a moral foundation. Based upon their research it was determined that by the age of 3, a child's basic ideas of good and evil, right and wrong were pretty well set. And this is why we have Christian daycare centers, Sunday school classes, and children's church - all designed to influence the young for good. Now because children do learn at such a young age the job of raising children in a fallen, sinful world is a huge responsibility, a responsibility that for the most part falls on the shoulders of those women who go about the business of being mothers. And it really doesn't matter if these women are mothers according to nature, or mothers by proxy as in the case of nannies, stepmothers, or daycare workers, because they all fulfill the same role as guides and teachers to those whom God has placed in their care.

Courts Are Failing Children on the Promise of Brown v. Board of Education

Courts Are Failing Children on the Promise of Brown v. Board of Education

Thursday, May 12, 2016

American Anti-Intellectualism.

The majority must rule.   That is,  after all, the meaning of democracy.  If a majority is sufficiently filled with hatred of the Obama’s they will vote—quite literally—for any candidate who is not a Democrat regardless of what that candidate represents.   The Tea Party impetus is classic patriotism.   At bottom, it is the voice of traditional American populism, with its inextricable tie to American anti-intellectualism.  

There is no other North Atlantic country in which people actually pride themselves in being anti-intellectual.  Certainly not France, nor  England nor Germany, nor Holland, nor any of the Scandinavian countries.   Germany went through a period when anti-intellectualism was considered a virtue 1933-1945.   And the German intellectuals were so decadent and self-hating that they succumbed to anti-intellectual culture with gusto.  

Black Then | Arthur Alfonso Schomburg: Helped Lay the Foundation for African-American Studies

Black Then | Arthur Alfonso Schomburg: Helped Lay the Foundation for African-American Studies

Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day 2016

In the mid 1700’s, there lived an old saintly woman, who everyone called
‘Mama Newton.’ She was a lady that all the children in the neighborhood wanted as their mother. She had hair like a halo of silver, hands worn with
calluses, and cheeks that were stained by tears. Everyday, and every night,
you would find Mama Newton crying, and praying, over her washtub, in a room of poverty, for her son John.

John had run away from home as a rebellious teenager, to become a sailor. John had become an ungodly, wicked man, who was disowned by his father, and everyone who knew him, because he was so wicked. Yet, day and night, Mama Newton kept praying that God would save, and use her wayward boy. She believed in only two things: the power of prayer, and the conversion of her son.
God, one day, answered the prayer of Mama Newton, by wroughting a miracle in the heart of her son, John Newton. As a result, John Newton, the drunken- sailor, became John Newton the sailor-preacher, who at age 54, penned the Christian national anthem: Amazing Grace! God greatly used John Newton to reach thousands, including a man by the name of Thomas Scott, who with his voice and pen, was used by God to lead thousands to Christ. Included, among them, was a man by the name of William Cowper, who penned the immortal words, "There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood,’ which has brought thousands to the one who died at Calvary. All this, because of a believing,  godly old mother, and her washtub prayers.