Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Torchlight Academy

Many times, we only hear about how bad our inner-city schools and African-American students are failing. That's why we need to make sure that the world knows whenever these schools are shining. Torchlight Academy in Raleigh, North Carolina brought us in as a last resort to help bring their scores up from the state's lowest rating. The task was steep with so little time, but their test results just came in and they made some of the nation's most incredible gains and pulled right out of that dreaded failing status that so many of our predominantly African-American schools get labeled with. To hear about the tears of joy from the teachers and the smiles on those students' faces reaffirms why we work so hard everyday to make sure that our inner-city schools are all about excellence! Our kids can ALWAYS do it, just prepare them and believe in them and they will step up every time!

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