Thursday, December 13, 2018

If Christ Had Not Come by Rev.M.D.Rogers

John 15:22  If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin.

     We live in an age in which only one prejudice is tolerated – anti-Christian bigotry. Michael Novak, the eminent columnist, once said that today you can no longer hold up to public ridicule groups such as minorities or women or homosexuals or ethnic groups (and rightly so!), but the one group you can hold up to public mockery without penalty is Christians. Attacks on the church and Christianity are common in the media, and less conspicuously in our schools, universities and governments. Much of what we take for granted finds its roots in Christ and His teachings. And yet Christianity is ridiculed as an impediment to progress, a bane on humanity, and remains today the one safe target of contempt and prejudice.

But the truth is this: Had Jesus never been born, this world would be far more miserable than it is. Had the church never existed, some of earth’s greatest accomplishments would never have graced the pages of history. In fact, many of man’s noblest and kindest deeds find their motivation in simple love and willing service for the humble Carpenter of Nazareth named Jesus Christ.

Nineteen wide centuries have come and gone and today He is the central figure of the human race and the leader of progress. I am far within the mark when I say that all the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever sailed, all the parliaments that ever sat, all the kings that ever reigned, put together, have not affected the life of man on this earth as much as that One Solitary Life.

Consider the impact of Jesus Christ in just four areas:

Genesis 1:27  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Prior to the coming of Christ, human life on this planet was expendable and exceedingly cheap, as it still is today in parts of the world where Christianity has not penetrated. And as we in North America abandon our Judaeo-Christian heritage and values, you will see life become increasing cheap once again!
In the ancient world, child sacrifice was a common phenomenon. It was a dangerous thing for a baby to be conceived in classical Rome or Greece; abortion was rampant and abandonment of
infants was commonplace. It was common for handicapped, or unwanted, or female babies to be taken out into the forest or the mountainside and left to be consumed by wild animals or to starve, or for others to pick them up for their own perverted ends.

John 8:11b  And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.
Before Jesus came, a woman’s life was also very cheap. In ancient cultures, the wife was the property of the husband and women were generally declared not able or competent to be independent. In ancient religions like Hinduism, widows were voluntarily or involuntarily burned on their husbands’ funeral pyres, and many young girls were dedicated from birth to be temple prostitutes.
But then Jesus came! And He elevated women by treating them as equals. How ironic that feminists today do not give any credit to Christianity; in fact, they say it has oppressed women. In reality, the reverse is true. Had Jesus never come, the feminists who curse Him might not have lived more than a few weeks!

Proverbs 14:21  He that despiseth his neighbour sinneth: but he that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he.
The world before Christianity was cold and unkind toward the underprivileged. Historical documents who no trace of any organized charitable effort. People who had problems were thought to have brought their circumstances upon themselves.
But then Jesus came! He set the great example of helping the poor and caring for the downtrodden, even when they were strangers. And while poverty has always been part of life on earth, the church has done more to alleviate it than any other institution in history. The early church actually attracted many of their converts because their kindness was such a contrast to Rome’s harshness. The vast majority of today’s charitable organizations had their start within the confines of the church.

Corinthians 3:17  Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Wherever the Word of the Lord has been preached, tyrants have trembled, despots have been cast from the throne, and people have become free. Liberty is a constant theme in the Word of God! Free speech is a gift from the church, founded by Jesus Christ! You’ll never hear a talk show in a Muslim country discussing whether Mohammed was really a prophet of Allah.  You’ll never see a talk show in China discussing whether citizens should be allowed to leave China at will.
The great irony today is that many people use their civil liberties to rail against Christianity!

Friday, November 23, 2018

What We Expect

Some time ago, I was watching an interview with a young journalist who related a very insightful story about growing up in the inner city. He was visiting the prison where a childhood friend was serving a life sentence for murder. Sixteen years had passed since his friend's imprisonment. In the course of their conversation, the journalist asked his friend, "We both were raised in the same neighborhood, attended the same school, lived in the same challenging environment; how is it that you ended up in prison and I a minister?" His friend thought for a few minutes and replied, "We were raised with different expectations." The young man who became a journalist was raised in a home where parental support and encouragement to pursue an education and a respectable career was always present. He could rely on a foundation of self-respect and self-confidence that energized his will and his drive to succeed. An important part of the familial love that he received fueled their positive expectations for him and his lofty expectations for himself.
If we are thoughtful, we soon realize how prominent the topic of expectations occurs in daily life. We ask what we expect of family, friends, work, love, life, ourselves and even God. At times, trying to determine what others expect of us and what we expect of ourselves resemble a rodeo cowboy atop a bronco. In life, we have the task of discovering our reaction to expectations regarding childhood responsibilities, our spiritual and moral character, our outlook toward education, our vocation, our self-understanding, and making all of this into a satisfactory life experience. Genetic influences put aside, whatever path we pursue in life requires constant growth in self-awareness and an understanding of the requirements for success. If we are fortunate enough to possess a clear, insightful picture of the person we want to be and where we want to go, the necessities in becoming competent in both areas await our efforts. Environmental circumstances and just plain luck have a role to play in fulfilling our desires, but, nevertheless, we can reach greater heights when we are persistent in developing the skills required to achieve our goals.
The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.

Our greatest strivings and our greatest concerns reside in the spiritual realm of our existence. This is so because of its all-encompassing effects on the person we are and what we do as well as the eternal consequences it holds. Daily news stories confirm the truth of this statement. If we are firm in our desire to live the Great Commandment of loving God, neighbor, and self, you would think that living the morally sound life that God has called us to live should be easy. Then, you are faced with the unfathomable puzzle of human nature. Even in the writings of the saints, we find evidence of the human struggle between what one knows to be good and holy and what one is sorely tempted to do. We need a savior because of our fallen human nature and we have hope in the face of our fallen human nature because we have a savior.
If I look at myself, I am depressed. If I look at others, I am often disappointed. If I look at my circumstances, I am discouraged. But if I look at Jesus, I am constantly, consistently, and eternally fulfilled.

Author Unknown
This is a time of year in which we feel lively and, perhaps, most active. We can apply this mood toward our spiritual action also. We need to be active in trying to help each other choose wisely concerning what life puts before us. If we recognize the weaknesses in ourselves and others, we may be more capable of mutual admonishment and of mutual support in making a better person. Life's tides delight us at its swell and sadden us at its ebb. For us to sustain faith and hope and love, we need a divine source of these virtues in order to raise us above the vagaries of our earthly existence. We, therefore, have deep and heartfelt expectations of the God who bestows his love and mercy upon us. He will fulfill those expectations. Submitting ourselves to being open to his grace manifested in the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within his faithful people, we might fulfill God's expectations of us. - The Apocalypse of Settler Colonialism - The Apocalypse of Settler Colonialism

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

"Was That You God ?"- Rev. M.D. Rogers

Was That You God?

1. Check Your Receiver
“And you will seek for Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” –Jeremiah 29:13 (NKJV)
Have you ever tried to watch television or listen to the radio without turning it on? Of course not! You already know that if you don’t turn on the receiver, you’re not going to hear a thing. When you do turn them on, you fully expect to hear something!
So, how do you check your spiritual receiver? The one way to know if your spiritual receiver is turned on is to answer this question:
Do you expect to hear from God?
Some people say, Well, God just doesn’t talk to me. But, here is an important truth: even if you don’t feel like God speaks to you—He does. In fact, He’s speaking to you right now. But, if you aren’t expecting to hear from Him, you haven’t even turned on the receiver!
Now, let’s be clear—He isn’t going to scream, yell and demand that you pay attention. He is always speaking to you, but He speaks in “a still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12, NKJV). So to hear Him, you have to tune in and listen carefully. Another way to describe the way we hear God’s voice is through an inward witness.
What is an inward witness?
God doesn’t communicate with us the way we communicate with one another. He communicates from His Spirit to your spirit, and then your spirit communicates what you hear to your mind. That is what we call an inward witness. It is very similar to a thought or a prompting. It’s very subtle and requires a closeness with God and regular practice to hear it more quickly and clearly.
That’s why the more time you spend with the Lord and the more you practice tuning in to His voice, the more it will become a voice that “thunders in marvelous ways” (Job 37:5, NIV).
How do you come to a place where you know whether it’s you or the Lord?
Certainty in knowing that you are hearing God’s voice comes to the person who is united with Him (1 Corinthians 6:17, NIV).  United means “joined,” or “in union.”  It doesn’t apply to someone who is not living for God. It applies to whomever seeks Him diligently, spends time fellowshiping with Him through prayer, and obeys the commands in His Word.
A receiver who is intact and ready to tune in to the voice of God is one who is expecting to hear from Him, and is willing to learn to know His voice.
2. Find His Frequency
  “They know his voice” –John 10:4 (NKJV)
There was once a time when you had to work to tune in to a program on the radio or television set. You had to find the right frequency. You never questioned if it was broadcasting—you knew it was—but you had to do your part to find the frequency and tune in.
How do you locate the frequency God uses to speak to you?
Most often, we miss His frequency because we’re tuned in to hear some huge revelation; when, in fact, He is giving simple instructions. That’s what He will do when you first begin to hear from Him—and He will continue to do this for the rest of your life here on earth. Obedience in the simple things is very important to God—it reveals the willingness of you heart.
So, if you’re waiting for God to send you out to part the Red Sea, you may be missing what He’s saying to you right now—which might be to clean out your closet or stop watching certain television shows or spend more time with your children. He will talk to you about the small things in your life that you need to change—adjustments you need to make. He will begin to deal with you where you are, which most often involves helping you walk in God’s best by getting rid of things that are holding you back.

God wants liberty and freedom for our lives, and that begins with training. He teaches us how to be led by the Spirit. But, if we disobey these promptings in the little things, we won’t graduate to the bigger assignments. Sometimes, the small things He asks of us may seem unimportant, or involve giving up things we think we enjoy. But to reach a level of intimacy with God where we hear His voice and are launched us into new places in the spirit, obedience must become a non-negotiable in our lives.

That’s why Matthew 18 tells us to become like little children—which means not to be high-minded and think we’re all-knowing. To find God’s frequency, you must be willing to hear His voice in the small things.

3. Learn to Discern His Voice
“My sheep hear my voice.” –John 10:27 (KJV)

If your spouse or closest friend calls you on the telephone, do you know it’s them before they tell you? Most likely you do! But how? Because you’ve spent so much time with them, the sound of their voice and their way of saying things has become well-known to you—easy to recognize.

The same is true when it comes to our relationship with God.

If you want to get to a place where you don’t have to wonder whose voice you’re hearing—yours, the devil’s or God’s—you need to spend time with the Lord. A lot of time. But, if you keep your mind and your heart full of the things of this world, it will be difficult for you to differentiate between the Spirit of God and your own thoughts. That is the definition of a carnal mind—one that has not been renewed by the Word of God.

The more time you spend with Him, the more certain you’ll become about hearing God’s voice. It isn’t just time talking to Him, though. We learn His voice when we listen to His voice. That’s why in Matthew 17:5 (NASB) He said, “This is My beloved Son…listen to Him!”

4. Line It Up With His Word—the Bible
“All Scripture is inspired by God.” –2 Timothy 3:16 (NASB)

One sure way to know if you’re hearing God’s voice is to line up what you hear against the Word of God. God will never tell you to do, think or say anything contrary to His Word. If you have a thought and you don’t know if it’s God or not—you can look it up in the Bible and settle it right away.

The Spirit of God will only tell you to do things that will give you a more abundant life.  Every change He tells you to make is designed to bring blessing into your life and minister grace to you. So, He isn’t going to tell you to refuse to forgive someone or spend money frivolously, or anything else that doesn’t match His Word.

God always agrees with His written Word, and His Word always agrees with Him. In fact, Psalm 138:2 (NKJV) says He has magnified His Word even above His Name. That means God has put His Name on His written Word the way we would put our name at the bottom of a contract. He has given us His Word as a covenant and signed it in the Name of Jesus, by the blood of Jesus. Since God cannot lie, there is no way He will ever do or say anything contrary to that Word. He has absolutely joined Himself to it forever.

God trains us to recognize His voice through His written Word. He uses it to tune our spiritual ears to what is real so that we can easily recognize a counterfeit.

When you’re trained to hear God’s voice in His Word, the devil won’t be able to sneak deceptions in on you. When he tries to razzle-dazzle you with some religious-sounding voice that says, “I love you, my son. But it’s just not my will to heal you at this time,” you won’t buy it. You’ll rise up and say, “That’s not the voice of God. That’s a lie from hell because it doesn’t agree with the Word that says, ‘By His stripes we are healed’” (Isaiah 53:5, NKJV).

To live in confidence that you are hearing from Him, you need to have a knowledge of His Word continually in your heart.  And you do this by drawing near to God (James 4:8).  That’s your part—to seek Him. God’s not going to run you down. Your part is to diligently seek Him. That involves spending time in the Word and in prayer. And whatever place you give Him in your life, the Spirit of God will fill it up for you.

The best part about hearing God’s voice?

You won’t just avoid counterfeit voices—you’ll be given access to secrets and revelation knowledge that will make you the head and not the tail (Deuteronomy 28:13). In Jeremiah 33:3, He says, “Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know” (NASB). All you have to do is pursue a life in which you hear the voice of God, heed it and walk into a victory you never thought possible.

When you check your receiver, find His frequency, learn to discern His voice, and line up what you hear with His Word—hearing God’s voice won’t be an occasional event, but a lifestyle. And when someone asks you, “What is the Spirit of God telling you today?” you won’t hesitate for a moment. You’ll know exactly what to say.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Exodus 16: 1-21

God always knows our needs. Our God is a god that will provide
for us. God always is able to make a way out of no way. This
particular text points us in that direction and lets us know that
whatever God gives us is always just enough.

It is in the context of the wilderness experience that we find
some revelations today. We find Moses and Israel on their journey
now for about 45 days. The word says "on the fifteenth day of the
second month". No sooner had they been on their journey they began
to complain to Moses and Aaron. They began to talk about what they
had back in Pharoah's land. They were able to eat and get their fill
in Egypt. And now they were complaining because they felt Moses had
brought them to the wilderness to die. I am of the belief today that
all you need to do is put your trust in God and he will give just
enough of what you need
You see God gives us just enough of his blessings to make it from
day to day. He doesn't give us too much air…because we would bloat
up, he doesn't give us too much sunlight because we would be blinded,
he doesn't give us too much blood in our bodies because we bleed it
out….God gives us just enough.
Israel was complaining because they were hungry and in the
wilderness. God won't take you anywhere He wants you to be without
making a way for you. And don't you know that God always hears us.
David says, "He will never leave you nor forsake you." I have never
seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread."

So here is Moses dilemma, he has been leading these folk for 45
days, they are hungry, have on the same clothes, same shoes, and no
shoes at all, and now they are complaining because they are hungry.
This word declares that the Lord said to Moses….it doesn't say
where Moses said to the Lord. You see….God is with you wherever you
go. He had already led them to where they needed to be. What that
means is God is always aware of the situation. Israel failed to
realize that God was with them. Earlier in Chapter 15 just after
they had crossed the Red Sea He had just brought them through the Red
Sea experience. You do remember that God caused the sea to open and
they danced across on dry ground? Now they had come to Elim they were
thirsty and came to the river that was called Marah because it was
bitter. And the Lord told Moses throw a piece of wood in the water…
and it became sweet and the folk drank until they weren't
thirsty….and now they were in another situation and they complained
again…. but God was on His job.

Look in the word at verse 4…."then the Lord said to Moses". You
see Bethlehem God knows who you are, He knows where you are and He
knows what you are. He knows the complainers, he knows the workers,
he knows the troublemakers, the liars, the schemers, and the
slickers. God knows. So it behooves us to watch what we do, where we
go…because God knows. Oh yes He does.
Now the Word says, he told Moses I am going to take care of
their complaining. I am going to provide for them. Six days out of
the week I am going to make them not be hungry. For you must
remember the seventh day is my day of rest…you do remember to keep
the Sabbath day and make it holy……. Israel was given manna six days
a week. God blessed them and provided for them.

This is how God did it…. In the evening verse 12, God had quails
to just come up and cover the entire camp. It doesn't say what they
did with the quails….maybe they were so amazed that they just shut up
complaining but the word says they had meat to eat. And in my
baptized imagination, if God made the quails come up… and they
covered the entire camp of Israel, no doubt somewhere between the
evening and the next morning there were some campfires that had some
rotisseries going with quail on it. It doesn't say where they had
any quail left over…. all I can say is God gave them JUST…..ENOUGH.
And you don't hear any complaints about meat.
Now in the morning there was a different story. God had already
told Moses what He would do…all the people had to do was to wait on
the blessing. That is what some of us need to do is just wait on our
blessing….but often time we want to hurry God. But "you can't hurry
God you just got to wait. Trust him and give him time now matter…how
long it takes…because he's a God you can't hurry…he'll be there don't

God did what he said He would do. He rained manna from heaven..bread
that came down from heaven. The Word says,,,,when the morning dew
lifted….there it was. Just like frost on the ground. When the
people saw it they wondered what it was. They began to ask questions
about God's blessings. If God blesses you…don't question the
blessing. "Who did this, where did it come from….and soooooo…. God
did it and that settles it.

Now people let me hasten along. Listen to this. The Lord
allowed them to have as much as they needed in order to be filled.
Just enough to insure that they didn't get beside themselves. The
Word of God says in verse 16 "Gather as much of it that each of you
needs. (In other words give your families what they need, take an
omer (an omer is about two quarts or two liters). It is enough
because God says it is enough. But don't you know just like today
they still didn't do what God had commanded. God told Moses, "Tell
them don't leave any of it until the next morning….and they did not
listen to Moses. Some left part of it until the next morning and
guess what…..God caused worms to make it stink. Worms…God use worms
to do His will. God can use anything He pleases and if it is a
little white worm to change your attitude about Him God will do it.

You see we have to follow God's commands. Do what He says to do. If
God says one thing you can't change it and fit your situation. Some
of them wanted to horde some of the blessing until the next day. Some
of them were so hungry they were hiding the blessing in jars, in
pockets I leather pouches… and were trying to store some up. But God
said what "I am the Lord thy God who brought you out of the land of
Egypt…and I will be with you no matter what…..all you have to do is
put your trust in me and allow me to provide your blessing for you."
Trust me….and I will give you just enough. We try to handle
situations our own way and fail to realize that God is the source of
our blessings…and when God blesses you He will give you just enough.

God realized He was dealing with some folk that He had to prove
himself to. He even had to send worms to destroy what they had hid
until the next day…..can you imagine….that? You see Bethlehem God
also has to let us know who is still in control….
That is the way it is with some of us God still has been proving and
proving Himself to us for a long time and we still don't trust Him.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Better Than Blessed - Louise "Candy" Davis

Louise Davis who was born in United States on July 11, 1939 and passed away on November 12, 2005 at the age of 66. Candy as she was so fondly called was a resident of Birmingham,Alabama.

At a very early age, the gift that God had placed inside her became quite evident, when at the age of 3, she began to sing with a melodious voice.As Candy reached her teenage years, she continued to sing and thus united with her first group The Guiding Stars.

 She was educated in the Birmingham City School System.She earned an Associates Degree from Daniel Payne College.

At a very young age, she was saved and baptised at the Bethel Baptist Church.
Continuing to sing throughout her teenage and early adult years.
In 1962 she united in holy matrimony with Leon Davis Sr. From this union was born 3 children, Leonetta,Leon Jr, and Alan.

During the 60's, Candy was very active in the Civil Right's Movement. Her voice bellowed out across the south as she sang with the Alabama Christian Movement Choir, which was the official Civil Right's Choir in Birmingham.Candy also traveled throughout the city of Birmingham singing praise unto God.

Candy not only ministered through song but she worked with the Social Security Administration for over 25 years. During her career with Social Security, she helped many people as she served in various positions. Many co-workers have talked about how she helped them through their career. Her smiling face and words of encouragement will be remembered by many.

She was an active member of the St John Missionary Baptist church until her health began to fail.

In 1982, she received her professional music break when producer Frank Williams of Malaco Records heard her and her group, Faith ( Eloise Gaffney, the late John Wes Lewis, Mary E Pratt, Jim Hollins, Lawrence Sneed) and signed them to the label. From this signing, four memorable recordings would come forth-Lord Lift Us Higher,Better Than Blessed,Then These Trials, and Live in Birmingham. Out of all her hit recordings,the song"Better Than Blessed" is her signature.

Excerpt from "Better Than Blessed"

I'm blessed, better than blessed
Praise the Lord
I may not have houses and wealth
I may not have all my strength and health
But I'm blessed, better than blessed
Praise the Lord

According to Huey Williams of the legendary Jackson Southerners, "Louise was a highly respected, beloved, and spirit-filled woman of God. I can never recall talking to her and she did not have a word to uplift and encourage me; she will be deeply missed."
Listen : Better than Blessed

Isolation - Rev.M.D. Rogers


Webster says loneliness is the feeling of "standing apart from others of its kind; isolated
unhappy at being alone; longing for friends, company---".

Loneliness is that sense of solitude, glooms and unfulfilled yearning for companionship. It makes us feel no one knows or cares about our plight. We feel isolated and cut off from the mainstream of human activity. We could cope with loneliness if it were possible to pinpoint the ONE thing that causes it. But that's impossible because there are many causes of loneliness.

Loneliness can be caused by the feeling of being in the way -- a common experience for
many of our senior citizens and so many others of all ages. After years of productivity,
They are tucked away in a retirement home --castaways from the "now" generation.
Weeks and months can go by without any interest from their family. Loneliness closes in like a fog obscuring visions and hopes for any kind of future. Many feel they no longer have anything to contribute to the world.

But the most profound sense of isolation is spiritual separation from God. Adam and Eve
knew perfect communion with God in Eden, but when they sinned, they were driven from
God's presence and were the most alone, desolate people in history.

We were created by God with need for fellowship and, unlike machines, were not made
to sit in a quiet corner and run for days and years. We need to touch, hear, rub shoulders with other human beings. We feel alone and isolated when those we care about do not include us in

If it is any comfort, loneliness is not a problem unique to modern times. Many great men of the Bible spent time on the "island of loneliness". Think about Joshua, the conquering general and man who did great exploits for God. We read that after the death of Moses on Mt. Nebo, the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' servant, saying, Moses my servant is dead ---" (Joshua 1:2)

Imagine how Joshua must have felt when he heard of Moses' death. For forty years he had been number two in command, certainly, he felt keenly the loss of a personal friend. But what struck Joshua was the over whelming realization that the mantle of
leadership had fallen on HIS shoulders. He was now number one in Israel. The position of leadership set him apart---to stand alone.

How to Break Free From the Spirit of Jealousy — Charisma Magazine

How to Break Free From the Spirit of Jealousy — Charisma Magazine

Monday, July 23, 2018

Music Break- GOSPEL GOLD

Appearing on gospel programs throughout the Los Angeles area, the Clouds caught the attention of Brother “Duke” Henderson, an R&B musician turned gospel radio personality, record company owner and religious retailer. Starting in 1956, Henderson recorded some of the group’s Los Angeles church performances for his new Proverb label, including a 1958 program on which Ligon led Lord, You Woke Me Up This Morning (all of the released and unreleased Proverb sides were later collected on a HOB Records LP). The quartet, then known as the Mighty Mighty Clouds of Joy, benefited from Henderson’s penchant for showcasing selections from his Proverb Records catalogue on his radio show.

In 1960, a demo recording of the Mighty Mighty Clouds of Joy’s Sinner’s Confession found its way to Don Robey, president of Peacock Records. Peacock was, at the time, the premier record company for gospel quartets. Signing to Peacock widened the Clouds’ exposure via radio and personal appearances. Now known simply as the Mighty Clouds of Joy, the group enjoyed a decade-plus run with Peacock with such gospel radio hits as Family Circle (a.k.a. Will the Circle Be Unbroken), Glory Hallelujah, He’s Able, Call Him Up, Heavy Load, Been in the Storm So Long and Did You Stop to Pray This Morning. They crisscrossed the country on touring packages consisting of the nation’s top quartets.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Spiritual Warfare & The Battle For Truth

Spiritual Warfare & The Battle For Truth
Rev. M.D.Rogers

Proverbs 4:23-27  Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.  Put away from you a deceitful mouth, and put perverse lips far from you.  Let your eyes look straight ahead, and your eyelids look right before you.  Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established.  Do not turn to the right or the left; remove your foot from evil.

Determination is the inner fortitude and strength of character – being disciplined to remain consistent, strong and diligent regardless of the odds or the demands.  It is the act of deciding definitely and firmly, or coming to a resolve.  Determination is acting in faith when we temporarily lose sight of where we are going.

Isaiah 59:14  Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands afar off; for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. 

In this study I want to begin talking about "The Weapon of Truth."  Truth is one of the most powerful weapons we possess in the spiritual arsenal God has given to us to deal with the enemy.  Unfortunately truth has fallen in the streets and has been replaced by the lies of the devil.  It is time for God's people to arise with the weapon of truth and to go forth in the power of His Spirit pleading for truth.

We live in a culture and an era that is inundated with falsehood and lies.  Not many are pleading for truth and those who do are mocked and ridiculed as being extremists in a politically correct society that is based on falsehood and lies.

Even in the church, those who stand for a strong adherence to Biblically sound doctrine are ridiculed and labeled as legalists, who are not flowing with the Spirit.

As a result we have provided the perfect environment for Satan's power and deception to rule in the lives of people everywhere.  Satan's power and antichrist spirit is being unleashed today as never before.  The absence of truth has given him a strong foothold and place to stand to oppose and exalt him above all that is called God.

The Bible is full of Scriptures that speak of the strong deception that shall come upon the world in the last days that shall even cause many to depart from the faith.  

Sunday, June 24, 2018


Rev. M.D. Rogers M.Div.

Biblical Text: James 3:13-18
13 Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? Let him show out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom.
14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.
15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.
16 For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.
17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.
18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.
If someone were to ask you, "What is wisdom?" how would you reply? It's easy to misunderstand wisdom, especially when the temptation is there to twist and adjust wisdom to your own personal definition. Our desire should be to pursue TRUE wisdom, the kind that produces a world in which mankind can live in love, joy and peace, and have all their needs met.
It's easy to twist true wisdom. Ask all the know-it-alls in the world. It's not hard to get to the place where you think you know more than the preacher, or your teacher, or your boss, or your spouse. Just ask James. James was one of those writers who didn't hold back. He put enough needles in this haystack we call the Epistle of James, to prick the conscience of every dull, defeated, and degenerated Christian in the world. His book is designed to exhort and encourage; to challenge and convict; to rebuke and to revive. But in these verses of our text, James is also trying to set some things straight. In these verse, James describes a practical holiness...a wisdom for all ages, which drives the believer toward the goal of a faith that works.
So what is wisdom? It's no surprise that James doesn't want us to get it twisted, because for a while, he did. As the half-brother of Jesus, James grew up in the same household with Jesus. But he did not believe Jesus was the Messiah until after His resurrection! It was only then that James became a strong leader in the Jerusalem church.
So James poses the rhetorical question, "Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you?" Before you raise your hand, let me tell you what the term 'wise man' means. It comes from the Greek word sophos which means teacher. A teacher was considered to be a religious expert, skilled in spiritual knowledge. He was the rabbinical priest, the one entrusted with preserving and interpreting the Word of God.
Who are the bearers of wisdom in our church? You would think they would be the ones who study the word diligently; who take their spiritual leadership role seriously, and seek to preserve God's Word for the next generation. But James says, "Don't get it twisted. There's more to it than that!" James teaches us that "If you want to be a teacher, you don't just have to KNOW some things; you have to DO some things." James teaches us that wisdom is measured more by deeds in the community than by degrees on the wall. It's not a matter of just acquiring knowledge; you have to learn how to apply that knowledge to your daily life.
James gives us three life lessons in these few verses of our text.
First, practice what you preach.
There ought to be a display of morality and purity in your life. A wise man knows how to conduct himself like a Christian. A man who professes himself to be a Christian, must learn how to take the facts of the Word and apply them to his walk. This is necessary in any field or profession.
What good is a lawyer who knows the law, but does not know how to apply the law to win cases?
What good is a doctor who knows all about medicine, but does not know how to apply that medicine to save lives?
And what good is a Christian who knows the Word of God, but does not live according to the Will of God?
A person who knows the Word of God inside out and backwards is nothing more than a smarty-pants, a know-it-all. But a believer who knows the Word and lives the Word is truly wise. James says that if a believer claims to be wise, "Let him show out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom."
I like the way Jesus put it. In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, "Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock." (Matthew 7:24).
So practice what you preach, brothers and sisters. But then...
Second, no phony-baloney.

A believer should not be "the great pretender". God will expose you.You see, you can go through all the motions of being a Christian; you can be faithful to worship, and missions, and Sunday School. You can smile at everyone and "walk circumspectly in the world" as a good Christian should, not participating in anything that is outside the will of God. You can appear to be the epitome of perfection, while all the time you are inwardly seething with jealousy, disappointment and resentment.
James says, "But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth." In other words, don't try to wear an outer cloak of holiness, when all the while you're incensed and irate on the inside.
Anyone can pretend to be spiritual when he's really nothing more than a "wise guy". A real wise man knows Christianity is no game of Show and Tell. He doesn't wear his Christianity like a coat to hide his true feelings. You may know someone like that. You may know someone who goes to church faithfully, participates in ministries, and gives generously to the work of growing God's kingdom. He appears to be wise in the ways of God, but something is wrong, because as soon as he gets home, he's complaining about something or someone, stirring up trouble, burning up the phone lines. James says, "This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work."
There is never an occasion when envy and strife become appropriate behavior for the wise Christian. Yes, there is such thing as righteous indignation, but in the same sentence that we are told to BE ANGRY, we are told to SIN NOT! (Ephesians 4:26) Correction, therefore, must always be applied with love.
James says that bitter envy (in the Greek: erithian, which means 'zealous jealousy') is Satan's trap. It lures the unsuspecting Christian into tainted territory where strife is the order of the day. It is our duty as followers of Jesus, to reject bitter envy, and the subsequent strife it fabricates, and replace it with love and humility. That's the Christian way.
We can't pretend our way to the throne room of God. True wisdom desires to be replicated in the life of the believer. Envy and selfish ambition can only produce disorder, confusion and evil. A wise man does not seek glory or gain. Instead, he is gracious and giving. God needs a few real Christians who desire, not only to BE wise, but also to LIVE wisely.
So, practice what you preach, and phony baloney! But there's one more lesson to be learned.
Promote peace!
James says, "But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy." James teaches us that when peace is sown, it yields a harvest of righteousness. A true wise man, then, is a man of peace.
I like that phrase 'without partiality'. Did you catch it? There is nothing I loathe more than a Christian who shows favoritism. He saves his 'good fruits' for his closest friends or family, and gives the rest of us his leftovers; leftover energy, leftover monetary gifts, leftover kindnesses.
Grumpy toward your spouse, but pleasant with the boys.
Grumpy on the job, but happy after hours.
Sweet toward the pastor, but crabby toward your spouse.
Meek at mission meeting, but quarrelsome in your kitchen.
James says in the first chapter of his letter, "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways" (James 1:8). A person who is unstable is inconstant, not steadfast, not dependable, shaky, unsound and insecure! The true sign of a stable mind is someone who treats everyone the same.
He is the same with his neighbor as he is with his mother.
He s the same with his barber as he is with his children.
He s the same with his pastor as he is with the guys he invites into his man cave to watch a game.
And lest we leave the ladies out, she's the same at church meetings as she is at the beauty parlor.
A peaceful person is impartial. He or she treats everyone the same; gives everyone the same benefit of the doubt; gives everyone his best effort; prays for everyone; encourages everyone. He s the same...yesterday, today, and always...because he reflects the Christ he vowed to replicate.
How is peace promoted? It's promoted in every aspect of our daily lives...
Peace in the kitchen
Peace in the family room
Peace on the job.
Peace in a traffic jam.
Peace at church business meeting.
Peace in our walk and peace in our talk.
James says we ought to be 'easy to be intreated'. That simply means that we should be easy to persuade, easy to calm down, easy to make compliant. There's another word for's called SUBMISSION. When we submit ourselves, one to another, we work together as one cohesive unit.
I know the world is a crazy place. I know it...
Toys with your emotions
Stretches your last nerve
Pushes all the wrong buttons.

But Jesus said, 'Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid' (John 14:27).
Who are you going to believe? James eventually came to realize that his half-brother was the Messiah they had all been waiting for, and he lived the rest of his life believing in the teachings of Jesus. In the end, he didn't get it twisted.
Don't YOU get it twisted. If you want to be truly wise, understand that wisdom is of God¬ man. If you have godly wisdom, you will...
A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes
Half a truth is often a great lie.
If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.”
As you shall sow, so shall you reap.   
Just because everybody's doing something, doesn't mean it's right.   
No sin is hidden to the soul.
Pretending to be someone you're not is a waste of the person you are.   
I'd rather be hated for who I am, rather than loved for who I am not.
Things come apart so easily when they have been held together with lies.
Truth crushed  to earth will rise again..
Love the Comforter who never leaves.
Mirror the Rock who never moves.
Follow the Shepherd who never fails.
This is your mirror moment. Who will you reflect?
Don't get it twisted!

The Battle for Truth in The Church

The Battle for Truth in The Church
Rev.M.D.Rogers M.Div.

I.  Introductory Remarks.

Isaiah 59:14  Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands afar off; for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.

In this study I want to begin talking about "The Weapon of Truth."  Truth is one of the most powerful weapons we possess in the spiritual arsenal God has given to us to deal with the enemy.  Unfortunately truth has fallen in the streets and has been replaced by the lies of the devil.  It is time for God's people to arise with the weapon of truth and to go forth in the power of His Spirit pleading for truth.

Isaiah 59:4-5  No one calls for justice, nor does any plead for truth. They trust in empty words and speak lies; they conceive evil and bring forth iniquity. They hatch vipers' eggs and weave the spider's web; he who eats of their eggs dies, and from that which is crushed a viper breaks out.

We live in a culture and an era that is inundated with falsehood and lies.  Not many are pleading for truth and those who do are mocked and ridiculed as being extremists in a politically correct society that is based on falsehood and lies.

Even in the church, those who stand for a strong adherence to Biblically sound doctrine are ridiculed and labeled as legalists, who are not flowing with the Spirit.

As a result we have provided the perfect environment for Satan's power and deception to rule in the lives of people everywhere.  Satan's power and antichrist spirit is being unleashed today as never before.  The absence of truth has given him a strong foothold and place to stand to oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-10  The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

The Bible is full of Scriptures that speak of the strong deception that shall come upon the world in the last days that shall even cause many to depart from the faith.  This is all are result of truth having fallen in the streets.

Although there is probably not a whole lot we can do about the absence of truth in the secular world, I believe there is something we can do about it in the kingdom realm.  There are two areas God wants His truth securely establish in.  They are in the church and in our personal lives.

II. Truth As A Weapon.

If we are to stand in an evil day we must put on the belt of truth and walk in the uncompromising truth of God's Word.

Ephesians 6:13-14  Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness...

We must realize that walking in the truth of God's Word is one of the most powerful weapons we have against the enemy with his wiles and schemes.  We must have a powerful love and adherence to the truth of God's word if we are to stand against him.

·          Satan has nowhere to stand when he is confronted with the Truth.

John 8:44  "You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.

If we take away his place to stand, then he is not able to use his many devices and schemes against us.  He is rendered totally ineffective.

III. The Battle For Truth In The Church.

God has chosen the church to be the place from which His truth flows from.  It is the pillar and ground of truth.

1 Timothy 3:15  ...but if I am delayed, I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.

It is my conviction that the church of Jesus Christ has been guilty of compromising and watering down the truth of God's Word to make it more palatable to the society we live in and as a result truth has fallen in the streets and given the devil a giant foothold to speak lies and falsehood.  We should be crying out and pleading for truth to be firmly established in the church according to the uncompromising truth of God's Word.

There is a tremendous battle that is raging in the church today over truth.  Satan's objective is to infiltrate the church with his lies.  He knows that if he can spread his lies and dilute the truth, he has a secure place to stand and unleash his power and deception.

·            In the more historical & traditional churches the battle is over whether the Scripture is divinely inspired or not and whether Jesus was really God manifest in the flesh.  This gives way to battles over all kinds of moral issues within the church.  When truth is fallen righteousness stands afar off.

·            In the Charismatic realm the battle is over extra Biblical experiences vs. what is clearly stated or established in God's Word.  This causes people to seek after signs and spiritual experiences rather than the truth of God's word.  It will set them up to be deceived by lying signs and wonders.

With the weapon of truth we can claim victory in both of these areas by adhering to the truth of God's Word in the following ways.

1.  We Must Accept The Entirety Of God's Word As His Truth.

Psalms 119:160 The entirety of Your word is truth, And every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever.

2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness...

2.  We Must Rightly Divide the Word of Truth.

2 Timothy 2:15  Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

This means we approach the interpretation of God's Word honestly without personal preferences.  There are those who twist the Scriptures to make them say anything they want to say.

2 Peter 3:16 also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which those who are untaught and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.

No Scripture is of private interpretation.  It must be properly exegeted in light of the whole.  It also means you build on those passages that are clear and precise and not on those that are vague or nebulous.  Allow the Scripture to interpret itself.  It does it very well.

3.  The Word of Truth Must Take Precedence Over Experience.

One of the things that is happening in the Body of Christ today, particularly in the Charismatic ranks is a focus on extra Biblical experiences that are being esteemed as a genuine move of the Holy Spirit.  Any experience must be based on the Sound Doctrine of God's Word.

 It is my conviction that God can soverignly move upon my life however He sees fit, but I do not have the liberty nor the authority to take something that is not Biblically defined and build a movement on it.

1 Corinthians 4:6 Now these things, brethren, I have figuratively transferred to myself and Apollos for your sakes, that you may learn in us not to think beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up on behalf of one against the other.

·          The example of Peter and the Mount of Transfiguration.

A good example of esteeming the word above spiritual or emotional experiences is found in the example of Jesus with Peter, James and John.  When Peter later wrote about this experience, He said the written word was a more sure word of prophecy.

2 Peter 1:16-21 And we heard this voice which came from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain. We also have the prophetic word made more sure, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.

·          The example of Jesus at His Baptism.

Another example is when the Father spoke to Jesus on the day of His baptism.  Those who heard the voice all heard it a little differently.  Jesus heard it perfectly, because He was perfect.  Our spiritual experiences are filtered through our imperfect minds, so therefore our interpretation of the event is not a perfect interpretation of what happened.

John 12:28-30  "Father, glorify Your name." Then a voice came from heaven, saying, "I have both glorified it and will glorify it again." Therefore the people who stood by and heard it said that it had thundered. Others said, "An angel has spoken to Him." Jesus answered and said, "This voice did not come because of Me, but for your sake.

Even though spiritual experiences we may experience from time to time may be good and even build our faith, we do not have the right to glorify the experiences beyond what is written in the word or to the point that they become a movement within themselves.

4.  We Must Have A Love For The Truth Of God's Word.

Psalms 119:162 I rejoice at Your word As one who finds great treasure.

David walked in faith and victory throughout most of his life because he had a genuine love and appreciation for God's Word.

·       This involves enduring sound doctrine.

2 Timothy 4:3-4  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.

IV.  Concluding Remarks.

Being a part of a local church that is Bible centered and adheres to God's Word of Truth gives us as believers a strong foundation to walk in the truth that God so desires for us.  But we must also take personal responsibility for walking in truth as God reveals it to us.  This will give us the kind of faith and victory that will cause the enemy to flee from our lives and enable us to fulfill God's divine calling in each of our lives.