Monday, August 13, 2018

Isolation - Rev.M.D. Rogers


Webster says loneliness is the feeling of "standing apart from others of its kind; isolated
unhappy at being alone; longing for friends, company---".

Loneliness is that sense of solitude, glooms and unfulfilled yearning for companionship. It makes us feel no one knows or cares about our plight. We feel isolated and cut off from the mainstream of human activity. We could cope with loneliness if it were possible to pinpoint the ONE thing that causes it. But that's impossible because there are many causes of loneliness.

Loneliness can be caused by the feeling of being in the way -- a common experience for
many of our senior citizens and so many others of all ages. After years of productivity,
They are tucked away in a retirement home --castaways from the "now" generation.
Weeks and months can go by without any interest from their family. Loneliness closes in like a fog obscuring visions and hopes for any kind of future. Many feel they no longer have anything to contribute to the world.

But the most profound sense of isolation is spiritual separation from God. Adam and Eve
knew perfect communion with God in Eden, but when they sinned, they were driven from
God's presence and were the most alone, desolate people in history.

We were created by God with need for fellowship and, unlike machines, were not made
to sit in a quiet corner and run for days and years. We need to touch, hear, rub shoulders with other human beings. We feel alone and isolated when those we care about do not include us in

If it is any comfort, loneliness is not a problem unique to modern times. Many great men of the Bible spent time on the "island of loneliness". Think about Joshua, the conquering general and man who did great exploits for God. We read that after the death of Moses on Mt. Nebo, the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' servant, saying, Moses my servant is dead ---" (Joshua 1:2)

Imagine how Joshua must have felt when he heard of Moses' death. For forty years he had been number two in command, certainly, he felt keenly the loss of a personal friend. But what struck Joshua was the over whelming realization that the mantle of
leadership had fallen on HIS shoulders. He was now number one in Israel. The position of leadership set him apart---to stand alone.

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