Sunday, October 22, 2017

Halloween?-by Rev.M.D. Rogers

My Halloween Rant 2017

So here I go again starting trouble when there is no need to. I always stick my nose into areas that it doesn't belong, or do I. Well, you all know what time of the year it is? Yes, it is that sinfully wicked holiday of Halloween, and I just refuse to let sleeping dogs lie. You are more than welcome to hit the delete button if you need to, but for those of you who are heartier of spirit, stick with me.

I have decided not to take the traditional approach to the matter by giving all the historical reasons why believers should not celebrate this day. I already did that last year in another blog.

The point I want to concentrate on is the issue of freedom. Do we have the freedom to celebrate or try and redeem this day as so many "Churches" try and do? Is there a Scriptural mandate that makes it acceptable to participate in days that were once dedicated to satanic activities?

It doesn't take that much discernment to see that the world does have a preoccupation for Horror, especially on this day. All one needs to do is look on the fruit that is produced by the celebration and the string of Hollywood movies about zombies, vampires, witches etc.

The other day I received a email inviting me to a church on October 31st. to enjoy "A fun and safe trick-or-treat experience" or “Holy-Ween” celebration. Now, I know this pastor, and I don't consider him way 'out there'. I am sure he loves the Lord. Yet, I wonder why is it that a church would invest that much time and effort into a day that has clear demonic origins, and yet refuse to celebrate any of the Biblical Holy days that the Lord has established as prophetic displays.

I continue, to this day, to be challenged on my keeping the Biblical feasts by pastors. I am told that I am a Judaizer by trying to put men under the yoke of the law. I am reminded that when the "New Testament" arrived that the law was abolished. (I have yet to find this in Scripture).

It must be wonderful to be set free from the law. It would be so refreshing to be able to live a life of lawlessness. I can't imagine what it would be like to be able to celebrate anything I wanted, no matter what the origin.

Revile me all you want for celebrating the biblical feasts. Call me names like “old fashion holy roller”. Accuse me of enslaving people under the law. Take your liberty to do as you feel. Enjoy your "Halloween alternative" . But I think I will stay right where I am enjoying the appointed times and seasons that have been set up by the Lord. I will revel in the fact that these wonderful days were the appointments kept by the Lord. I will be able to defend my faith through the prophetic displays of these Biblical and historical events. All you will have to show for your holiday is a bucket of candy and some rotten teeth.

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